19 September 2024


“Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye?”

Christine asked the small group in a dimly lit room, her voice shaky. The air felt heavy with anticipation, as if the question held a weight that needed courage to face.

Eyes widened, the group exchanged uneasy glances, drawn into a strange and unseen territory.

Christine continued, painting a picture that went beyond what we could touch and feel.

“And when you turn your head to look, it’s not there anymore?”

She let the silence linger, letting the idea settle in the room like a mist.

The bluish fluorescent light cast a pallid glow, heightening the mystery.

“You might not want to believe their existence because you’re not sure what you saw in your peripheral vision…”

Christine scanned the faces, looking for a connection, a shared experience, yet they remained quiet.

“But you could swear you knew they were there, just not anymore when their form, height, and color got stuck in your head.”

The room held its breath as Christine continued to reveal her secret.

“You’ve seen enough of them that it registered in your head. Let me tell you this…” Her voice lowered, hinting at a potent truth.

“It’s because the black of your eyes sees the material world. But the whites? That’s what really sees them.”

The revelation pierced through their minds, hoping it won’t make sense, but it did.

“They’re not ghosts, but something else. They call it ‘demons,’ a word carrying centuries of stories and fear.”

Christine’s eyes gleamed with knowledge, a connection to a reality unseen by most.

“And if your eyes could see the unseen…” Her voice trailed off, leaving the room in suspense.

“You wouldn’t be able to live your life unaffected by them.”

The final statement lingered, haunting the group on the edge of the unknown, their perception forever changed by the possibility of a supernatural world closer than they imagined.

Then, a voice not from the group asked, “How did you figure us out?”