19 September 2024

Trigger Warning

This chapter contains content about self-harm.


Chapter 10

"Goodbye, Charlie"


This was highly unusual. Mr. Clean was in excellent health and had never experienced a nosebleed before.

He wiped the blood with his hands and then washed his entire face in the sink.

While washing his face, he leaned over the sink with his eyes closed and sensed a strange presence. He briefly opened his eyes and stared at the drain. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the surroundings transform into a dilapidated, eerie place as if he had entered another dimension. When he lifted his head, everything appeared normal again, with no sign of the sinister scene he had glimpsed.

Suddenly, a chilling hand touched his back.


Mr. Clean turned around, ready to confront whatever had touched him, but it was only Sandro, a server at the restaurant, holding a box of leftover cake from Mr. Clean’s recent party.

“Sir, are you alright? You look pale.”

“I’m okay, Sandro. Thank you.”

“I’ll hail a cab for you, Sir.”

“That’s not necessary. I’ll be on my way now.”

Mr. Clean stepped outside, still feeling an unsettling sensation at the back of his neck.


“Thank you, Juni and Jane, for introducing me to your friends.”

Rachel paused at the street corner to part ways with Juni and Jane, as she was headed in a different direction.

“Oh, are you okay walking alone from here?”

“Yes, don’t worry. My house is just right there on the corner. I appreciate you both for today.”

“Nice meeting you, Rachel.”

“Very nice to meet you too, Juni.”

Rachel turned and walked away, leaving Juni and Jane.

Juni and Jane began crossing to the other side of the road.

“She’s kind, isn’t she?”

Jane smiled at Juni, happy to have introduced Rachel to their friends.

“I forgot to ask her about a good photo studio for printing pictures.”

Juni pulled out Mr. Clean’s camera.

“Oh, you have that?”

“Yes, I offered to print the photos from Mr. Clean’s birthday as a gift for him.”

They glanced back and saw that Rachel had already disappeared from sight.

“It’s okay, Juni. I can help you print those. My brother’s friend runs a photo shop. He knows me, and I got your fax machine from him too.”

“Are you sure it’s not too much trouble?”

“No, not at all! I’m happy to help. Which reminds me—I heard the news today about Remnant University. Something about a sinkhole?”

“Yes. It felt surreal. Red saved someone today.”

“Really? How?”

“One of our club members almost fell into a sinkhole at school, but Red saved her.”

“Wow. He’s really the fastest runner at your university.”

“If he hadn’t gotten there in time, she would’ve fallen into the pit.”

“That’s very strange. Sinkholes don’t usually happen. If only I could see what it looks like to show my brother. He’s an engineer and would understand the topography.”

“I remember Mr. Clean taking a photo of the sinkhole with this camera. It should be in here. You could share it with him.”

Juni handed Jane the camera.

Jane, being clumsy, almost dropped it, but Juni caught it with his other hand.

“I’m sorry! It almost fell.”

Juni looked into Jane’s eyes.

“I caught it.”

Their eyes met, and Jane got lost in Juni’s gaze. Up close, his eyes were unique but calming. She’d never really looked at them this way before. She didn’t realize Juni was speaking.

“Jane? We’re in front of your house.”

Jane snapped out of her daydream and awkwardly gave Juni a hug—something she didn’t normally do.

Juni, caught off guard, tapped her back. His heart raced with a feeling he had never experienced before.

They both released the hug, and Jane quickly went inside her house.

Juni smiled and walked away.

When he finally arrived home, he saw his mom with a cake and food set on the table.

“What’s the celebration, Mom?”

“Oh, I suddenly remembered that it’s your father’s birthday today!”


“Yes… I decided to celebrate it.”

Juni’s expression changed. Narra, very excited, asked Juni to sit down as she lit the candles.

“Why are we celebrating someone who isn’t here with us?”

“I…loved your father.”

“He left us, Mom…”

Narra’s smile slowly faded.

“You’re right, he did.”

Silence filled the room. They both lost track of time, and the candles melted all over the cake.




When Juni was an infant, he and his mom were in a car accident. His mother’s head was crushed by the vehicle, but Juni was found unharmed, protected in her arms. His mother suffered severe head trauma and was in a coma for years. Juni grew up in the hospital, raised by Dr. Braille. When his mom finally woke up, Juni was already 13 years old. Her recovery was miraculous, but she had forgotten most things about herself, except for two: Juni’s father’s face and the moment he left them.

“Don’t go… Please, don’t leave…”




These thoughts echoed in Narra’s mind as tears fell.

Juni wiped them away.

“But I’m here, Mom…” 

Narra looked at her son, seeing how much he had grown to resemble his father. She hugged her son.

“I wanted you to have something.”

Narra brought out a red string with a small coin pendant hanging from it.

“I believe this belongs to you. They found it wrapped around you on the day of the accident.”

Engraved on the coin was a small inscription.

“That’s how Dr. Braille knew your name when you were a baby.”

Junichi’ was the name on the pendant. It means, “obey”.

Juni tied the string around his neck to remind him of this day, when matters of life and death happened.

“Let’s eat now.”

“It’s my friend’s birthday today too. We actually had a party.”

“Tell me about it!”


Narra and Juni spent the rest of the day together talking.


A massive silhouette loomed in the distance.

“Charlie Clean…”

As it approached, Mr. Clean was seen holding a shard of glass. He began to cut into his own arm, inflicting self-harm.


His screams echoed as his flesh tore and blood flowed from the wound. The distant creature suddenly disappeared from sight, only to reappear at his side, yanking his hair to force their eyes to meet. The demon then devoured his entire head.

He woke up.

It was just a dream, but it felt intensely real.

His left arm was sore, and he had a splitting headache. When he looked at his arm, he saw a scar from a wound that had healed long ago.

This was a clear sign of the second degree of horn infection—Domination, characterized by sleep disturbances and nightmares. The first degree, Paranoia, manifests as nosebleeds caused by heightened senses.

Only Red knew about the horn he had seen.


After the incident at Remnant University, classes were suspended for three days to allow repairs due to the sinkhole that had suddenly appeared on campus. This was to ensure student safety, especially with the ‘Annual Remnant School Fair’ approaching.

Red agreed to visit the Finch home following an invitation from Scarlet and Indie’s parents, who wanted to express their gratitude for Red saving their only daughter. For Red, it was also an opportunity to meet with his members and plan their club’s activity for the upcoming school event.


The doorbell rang, and Scarlet opened the door to see a familiar face.

“Hi, Pres! Welcome to our home. Please come in!”

“I told you not to call me that…”

Red was the first to arrive. He entered and took in the large house, noting the walls covered with articles about Indie’s championships and family photographs. Red scoffed at a picture of Indie holding a trophy.

“What a show-off.”

Scarlet noticed Red trying to get comfortable and offered him a seat.

“Who took these photos?” -Red asked.

“Oh, I did. My dad is a sports columnist at the Manna Journal, so he taught me how to take pictures like that.”

“They’re not bad.”

Scarlet blushed, and Red noticed, adjusting his jacket.

“But I’ve seen better.”

Just then, Indie came downstairs and saw Red.

“Red, you’re early.”

“I’m always early.”

Mrs. Finch came out and greeted Red warmly.

“Hi Red! I’m glad you made it today!”

Red waved at her just as the doorbell rang again.

Indie opened the door to reveal Mr. Clean, carrying a plastic bag full of groceries.

“I didn’t want to come empty-handed, so I bought some fruits from the supermarket.”

“Oh, you shouldn’t have, Mr. Clean. Be our guest! I’m just preparing the roast beef. My husband will join us shortly.” –Mrs. Finch said, welcoming them before heading back to the kitchen.

Indie started talking to Red while Scarlet and Mr. Clean went to help in the kitchen.

“Hey Red, I talked to the rest of the gang. They found out what you did for my sister. We all agreed you should be our leader…”

Red looked up at Indie.

“We were fine without a leader for a while.”

“Are you still going to say no? If it were up to me, I’d take that role in a heartbeat.”

“Then take it. I don’t want it.”

“Is it because of your new club?”

Red glared at Indie.

“What club?”

“The one you have with my sister. The Cleaners Club?”

Red’s eye twitched. He hadn’t wanted anyone to know about it, especially not the Rainbow Gang. Now Indie knew, and he was a real member.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

Indie chuckled.

“You seriously think I don’t know? You’ve been meeting up with Mr. Clean and that junior. I didn’t think you’d do that just to hang out. So I asked my sister, and she told me everything.”

Red looked frustrated that his secret had been revealed.

“So what?!”

“So what? I think it’s awesome! And I’m sure the Rainbow Gang members will agree with me.”

“They know about it too?!”

“Well, not yet. But I’m going to tell them it’s a noble cause!”

Red covered Indie’s face with his jacket.

“No, don’t say anything to them. Keep this a secret, or I’ll haunt you in your dreams!”

“You’re not a ghost, you can’t even do that!”

The two were wrestling when the door clicked open. Mr. Finch walked in, seeing Red grappling with Indie. Red let go immediately, and both boys looked embarrassed.

“Why did you stop? That’s how my brother and I wrestle all the time…”

Red and Indie exchanged looks, both uncomfortable with the word ‘brothers.’

Before the door could close, Juni walked in. He was on the way when Mr. Finch saw him walking while driving home from work, so he came with him.

“Hey Junn…” —Red greeted him.

“Juni right? I hope you don’t hold that against me anymore.” —Indie added while offering a handshake.

Juni shook Indie’s hand.

A voice from the kitchen called out.

“Dinner’s ready everyone!”

Everyone headed to the kitchen to start their thanksgiving dinner.


On the table, the guests were seated on the left side, and the Finch family on the right. Just as they were about to eat, the doorbell rang one last time.

“Oh, just in time!” -exclaimed Mrs. Finch as she freed the seat beside her.

Mr. Finch opened the door and greeted the final guest.

“Good evening, everyone. Thank you for having me and Juni tonight.”

When Mr. Clean saw the newcomer, the sound that came out of him wasn’t human.

“Please be seated here beside me, Narra. We appreciate you coming!” —Mrs. Finch greeted Juni’s mom warmly.

“Thank you so much. I’m sorry I’m late; I had to close the shop before coming. Good evening, everyone. I’m Narra, Juni’s mother.”

Narra offered a platter of dumplings and sat down beside Mrs. Finch.

Red asked, noticing Mr. Clean’s startled expression.


“Are you alright, Mr. Clean?”

“Alfred… She’s the one from the market. The One!!!”

Red paused, trying to recall what Mr. Clean was talking about. When he remembered, he spoke loudly.

“Yeah, I remember now! The lady we were about to clean up! Oh lady! I remember you—”

Mr. Clean quickly covered Red’s mouth before he could say too much. He whispered urgently in his ear.

“I never wanted to clean her up; I just wanted to give her chocolates, Alfred! That was it!!!”

Red pushed away from Mr. Clean’s hold.

“I remember you, Ms. Narra. You sold me dumplings once.”

Narra smiled, recognizing Red.

“Oh! I remember you too! I hope your friend liked the dumplings!”

“They’re his favorite. I actually got them for Ju—”

Juni spilled his drink, cutting off Red’s sentence to avoid his mother finding out.

Indie and Scarlet greeted Juni’s mom. Mrs. Finch, fond of Narra, immediately took some of her dumplings.

“I met Narra at the market when I was craving dumplings. Now, they’re one of my favorites! Her dumplings are perfect every time! That’s why, when I realized Juni was her son, I invited her too!”

“I think it’s the perfect item to sell at our school fair!” —Scarlet added.

Mr. Clean, unable to recover from his shock, needed to excuse himself.

“Pardon me, I need to briefly visit the lavatory.”

Everyone continued eating as Mr. Clean left the table, walking backwards to the bathroom.

In the restroom, his heart pounded with anxiety, nearly making him feel faint. The realization that his crush was Juni’s mother overwhelmed him.

When he turned on the faucet, no water came out. A hollow sound echoed from the pipes, indicating no water connection. He checked the shower, but it was also dry.

He tried to leave and inform the Finches, but the door was locked from the outside. Panic set in as he banged on the door, thinking the nightmare from three days ago was repeating. Just as he was about to kick the door open, it finally swung open, revealing Red and Juni.

“Mr. Clean, are you alright?”

“Yes… I’m okay.”

“Is that Juni’s mom’s effect on you?”

“My mom?”

“Oh yeah. Mr. Clean has a cru—”

Mr. Clean covered Red’s mouth again. Red struggled and pushed him away.

“Wait, did you even wash your hands? You were in the toilet!”

“I couldn’t. The water wouldn’t come out.”

Juni checked the faucet.

“There’s water here, Mr. Clean.”

Mr. Clean saw the water flowing normally.

The three returned to the table and finished their meal. No one had noticed Mr. Clean’s screams or the banging on the door. He wondered if it had all been a hallucination, a symptom of the strange experiences he had been having.

Despite the eerie events, the night was perfect.

The Cleaners Club finalized their plans for the upcoming fair, and everyone enjoyed the dinner.

When it was time to leave, Juni and Narra walked home, leaving Red and Mr. Clean on the sidewalk.

“I blame you for everything, Mr. Clean! You told Mrs. Finch roast beef is my favorite, so she kept putting it on my plate! I’ve never been this full.”

Red put his hand on his stomach, when he noticed Mr. Clean wasn’t paying attention.

“Mr. Clean…?”



***At home, Juni’s telephone rang. Gabi, Juni’s cat, climbed onto the cupboard, watching the fax machine as it lit up and began printing. The paper displayed the name Alfred Crow.***

Alfred Crow

Horn Infection:





Red turned to look at Mr. Clean’s face.

“Mr. Clean! What happened to your ear!”



***Followed by another paper with the name Charlie Clean. The note reads…***

Charlie Clean

Horn Infection:





Mr. Clean’s ear was bleeding profusely.

“Alfred, I think… I’m dying.”